This immersive, interactive main show was the emotional highlight of the visitor's journey through the German pavilion at the 2017 EXPO in Astana, Kazakhstan. Visitors collected points on a smart stick during their walk through the pavilion and emitted them during this final show to a collective particle stream of energy. With NSYNK we developed the realtime graphics and interaction design as well as the playback of the motion & animation design by Tamschick Media & Space.
This immersive, interactive main show was the emotional highlight of the visitor's journey through the German pavilion at the 2017 EXPO in Astana, Kazakhstan. Visitors collected points on a smart stick during their walk through the pavilion and emitted them during this final show to a collective particle stream of energy. With NSYNK we developed the realtime graphics and interaction design as well as the playback of the motion & animation design by Tamschick Media & Space.