With the background of using and developing the visual programming environment vvvv, we have a natural interest concerning how we interact with machines, what we self image we have as software designers, what is the role of software, programming and technology in design and society.
Back in 2007, when David was working with Meso, we decided to bring together the design, art and tech community around the software tool vvvv. The users of vvvv and its developers, had spread out internationally and had mostly interacted online until then. With the help of the community, David formed a team and realized the first edition in 2008.
Over the years, the NODE festival has grown from a community meetup into a prestigious media arts event which attracts more than 8,000 international visitors per edition exchanging practical know-how and theoretical insight in more than 150 events. Creative technologists, curious makers, and thinkers from design, architecture, philosophy, science, the arts and the general public take part, contribute to the community and interact with each other.
Many people joined the team and many partners started to accompany our mission. The NODE association, of which David Brüll forms the board together with Co-Director Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, became a production platform for a multiple of formats in the region of Rhine/Main.
In response to the intervals between festival editions and the need to sustain an ongoing education for the industry, we have initiated The NODE Institute in Berlin in 2019.
The Institute provides year-round education for the creative tech industry and creative coding scene embracing the festival's spirit. By bridging software communities, we create an open and diverse environment where makers and thinkers can actively engage, contribute and cultivate meaningful interactions, fostering both growth and learning.